Even if you’re pressed for time, you can make a dent in your household to-do list.
Think 10 minutes isn’t enough time to make a noticeable improvement in your home? In the idle pockets of time you get lost scrolling through your social media feed, you can make serious headway on completing those nagging maintenance tasks you’ve been putting off or maybe haven’t even ever thought about.

To give you a boost, we compiled a list of 10 chores you can do in 10 minutes or less.

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1. Clean ceiling fan blades
How to: To clean ceiling fans at standard ceiling heights, first don a baseball cap before using a stepladder to reach and wipe each blade. Use a ceiling-fan duster attached to an extension rod for high ceilings.

How often: Once every other season

2. Clean your garbage disposal
How to: Empty two to four trays of ice cubes into the sink while letting cold water run, feeding the cubes as quickly as the disposal will break them up. Let the water run for a full minute after the last cube disintegrates.

How often: Once a month

If your disposal has a foul odor, chop up a lemon and feed it down the unit in small pieces to get rid of garbage disposal smells.

furnace air filters
Clean air filters will keep your HVAC running efficiently. (Photo by Summer Galyan)

3. Change HVAC air filters
How to: Remove the old furnace filter and slide the new, clean air filter into place. Make sure it faces the right direction per the arrows or colors on the front and back of the filter.

How often: Depending on your filter, once every one to three months

Related Article
hand holding HVAC filter next to furnace
5 Reasons to Change Your Furnace Filter
Change your air filter to extend furnace life, reduce energy bills and improve indoor air quality.
4. Check fire extinguishers
How to: First, make sure you have a fire extinguisher (and know where it is)! Then check that the tamper and safety seals are intact and the pressure gauge remains within the correct range for your device. If you notice visible signs of damage, replace it.

How often: Monthly

5. Test smoke alarms
How to: Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended method of testing. In general you can also light a match and blow it out directly under the detector to make sure it works.

How often: Test monthly, replace batteries every six months

If it’s been more than six months since you last replaced the batteries, replace them regardless of test results.