Here we explain what isd Water Fed Pole Cleaning (Pure Water Window Cleaning).

Traditional Window Cleaning

Traditional Window Cleaning is a technician, bucket, squeegee working on any window no mateer the height size. He will use ladders, man lifts with hand mops, poles and squeegees to shine your wiondows. Agents used for cleaning vary from detergent to hydrocloric acid.

Waterfed Pole Window Cleaning

Waterfed Pole window cleaning involves a telescop ic carbon fibre pole with a brush on the end. A tube runs from the ground up to deliver a flow of pure water.

The purity of the water is so that it attracts impurties, dirt, dust etc. Pure water acts like a magnet and pulls everything right of the surface.

We use the latest technology to acheieve the purest de-ionised water and our 300 litre feeder tank installed in our vans.

Why Is Waterfed Pole Window Cleaning Than Traditional Methods.

Spot Free Clarity Only Achieved with 0PPM Pure Water. Waterfed pole systems mean less damage from ladders, on sills, roof tiles, guttering. Less risk of injuries from ladder use. Due to the attraction of particles to pure water sills and frames get a much deeper clean. No chemicals other than filtration.

Pure water will not damage sidings, sills or glass any more than rain water.

To get the best out of your windows call Yes Marbella Window Cleaners on 605 929 577